Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Power Points and Windows Movie Maker
This week we have investigated the use of interactive power points and Windows Movie Maker
I can imagine a number of ways to put PowerPoint to use in my classroom.
My first reaction was power points - are you kidding - they are OLD news...and OVERDONE, and BORING.......
BUUUUT...ther's a whole world of power points that I didn't know about - we saw movies made, interactive power points, animations, audio files, voice files and linking all incorporated into the humble power point - lots of food for thought...
The visual and interactive aspect of this is ideal for all learners, but particularly for visual learners. The first thing that pops to mind is for individual or group summative tasks. There are so many ways that power points can be constructed that it gives an option that will suit most learners. Some will choose highly visual, some may record audio files, rather than include a lot of text and for those extension learners - it offers a world of freedom to express and extend their learning to their own level. This supports what we know about managing diversity in the classroom - and allows each learner to work within the same context at their own level. I found this ezine on the microsft page - which has a load of free power point add ons, downloads, skins and great ideas for use in a classroom.
Power points could also be used for learners who are ill or unable to attend school - pre-prepared tutorials will give them access and allow them to continue with their learning.
Again the time, place and context for the use of this tool is the critical factor in whether or not it is successful - I am sure that I am not the only one who has suffered Power Point Paralysis!!! But I saw some different uses today that made me reconsider it's place in the classroom.


David Pierson said...

PowerPoints are a great visual aid and have progressed dramatically from the bland backgrounds. Personally I prefer to create a video when doing presentations, but PowerPoint is simple and easy to use. And once you know how to use PowerPoint to it's full potential, you can create engaging presentations (hopefully)!

nina said...

Hi Karen, I too have reconsidered the use of PowerPoint in the classroom. Having been victim to far too many 'death by Powerpoint' episodes, I had come to the conclusion that there was no way that I would ever present one to my learners. Now that I am aware of many more of the capabilities and opportunities offered with PowerPoint, I realize that it is a very useful tool; not only useful for knowledge acquisition and integration, but also for extension, transformation and presentation. I also agree with what you say about PowerPoint being able to cater for all learning styles in both application and creation.